Mobile Dumpster Compactor

Find a Crushr near me.

Find a Crushr partner in your area and book a free demo to see how our mobile dumpster compactor can maximize your waste management.
By entering your service zip code, we can quickly get you in touch with our local service provider. For a full view of providers in the area, please use a city / state search term. 

How much could you save?

Fill in the blanks below to calculate how much you could save replacing costly hauls with a crush per week.

We have containers and we haul times per month. Each haul costs us $.

Looks like we can help!

Using Crushr could result in a $400 per month savings.
That’s potentially $1,200 per year back in your business.

Please note that all savings calculations are for demonstration purposes only, are based off regional averages and can vary per market

Crushr’s waste management service is a mobile dumpster compactor truck that replaces costly hauls of your dumpster rental or compactor roll-off with an inexpensive service, making it easier and more affordable to manage your open-top container waste.

Crushr helps reduce costs and create efficiencies for Manufacturing, Residential and Commercial Construction, Home Remodeling, Distribution Centers, Municipalities, Recycling Providers, Haulers Centers, and more. How much time and money can you save with our mobile dumpster compactor?

Cut your Hauls in Half

50% reduction in downtime

A CRUSH can increase the capacity of your container by up to 80% – and costs about 1/3 of the price of your total hauls.
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An environmentally-conscious choice
By reducing roundtrips to the landfill, you are effectively lowering the amount of diesel fuel consumed in the process, which significantly reduces CO2 emissions. 

Reducing the volume in dumpsters = less trips to landfill

Save Diesel Fuel, Emissions and $$$

Louisville, KY


James Murphy saved $16,000 in his first year.

After implementing Crushr, James Murphy’s company in Cincinnati, OH saved $16,000. They are currently using the savings to invest in more dumpters and expand business.

James Murphy saved $16,000 in his first year.

After implementing Crushr, James Murphy’s company in Cincinnati, OH saved $16,000. They are currently using the savings to invest in more dumpters and expand business.